Svelte <Inspect {value} />

obj 15 entries

Defining a theme

Add your custom theme class to a global css file and import it, then set the theme-class using the class or theme-prop on the inspect component or via global options.

.my-inspect-theme {
--base00: #1e2c3e;
--base01: #31455e;
--base02: #151d29;
--base03: #6d819c;
--base04: #FFFFFF;
--base05: #dbdbdc;
--base06: #fff2c2;
--base07: #FFFFFF;
--base08: #ff5c7c;
--base09: #ff9f6b;
--base0A: #ffd285;
--base0B: #8fff96;
--base0C: #81eced;
--base0D: #81ecee;
--base0E: #ff8af5;
--base0F: #FFFFFF; }

Alternatively, set css variables directly on the component.

--base0F="#FFFFFF" />

Extended customization

Behind the scenes, the base16 theme is mapped to internal CSS-variables. This mapping can be overriden by setting additional CSS-variables on your custom theme class or passing them to the component.
See the full overview of available css-variables than can be passed to Inspect.

--inspect-background="linear-gradient(45deg, var(--base00) 50%, hotpink)"
obj 1 entries
test :
str 'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet' 26 chars
global options