Svelte <Inspect {value} />

Custom Components beta

svelte-inspect-value aims to (eventually) export all the building blocks to extend the component with custom components.

Better documentation soon! Here's a minimal example:

Custom line

obj 7 entries
oneBillion :
num 1000000000
oneTwoThreeFourEtc :
num 1234567890
maxSafe :
num 9007199254740991
red :
pink :
yella :
notAColor :
str 'hello' 5 chars

Custom expandable

*Custom expandables API is still unfinished
num 2
  • base: 2
  • timesTwo: 4
  • timesThree: 6

Error handling

If any component, built-in or custom, should throw an error it will be caught by a boundary on an entry-per-entry basis and render error details.
The error value display component reverts to using default components to avoid further issues.

obj 2 entries
'clickToError' :
str click me
hey :
str dont click me i will error
global options